In the world of IT management, there is a wealth of tools and technologies relating to CMDB and asset management. But which one is right for your company? To help you make this decision, we spoke to the experts behind DATAGERRY. Jakob Semere, CTO at becon GmbH, and Kai Schubert-Altmann, Senior Consultant and Web Application Manager at becon GmbH, share their insights and experiences around CMDB, asset management and the benefits of DATAGERRY, a powerful open source tool. Find out how this tool can help your company move forward.
What is a CMDB? Why is it important for companies?

What is asset management? What challenges do companies face in asset management?

Why should companies consider DATAGERRY for their IT management and what advantages does DATAGERRY offer compared to other IT management tools?

Which DATAGERRY functions are particularly useful for companies?

How can companies integrate DATAGERRY into their existing IT infrastructure?

How can companies get to know and test DATAGERRY?

Are you curious about the possibilities of this open source tool? Do not hesitate to contact us. DATAGERRY is the key to efficient IT management. We will be happy to answer your questions and support you with the integration.
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